Chapter 2
“Eve, I have wanted to be with you so much since we had that moment
on the jet. The way you looked at me before Rebecca rudely interrupted,
I felt like you wanted me to kiss you again. Was I dreaming or was that
what you wanted? Because I know I wanted to kiss you.”
“Oh Julian, I won’t deny it, yes I wanted to kiss you, I wanted it
go on and on. I felt like we were the only two on the jet at that point.
When Rebecca came in, I guess you could say I was disappointed.”
“I was too, I was frustrated Eve, hell I would have been happy if she had taken the steward in the other room and had her way with him. I wanted so much to continue what we had.” He said touching her cheek.
“She seemed quite interested in him.”
“Rebecca thinks I am after any woman in the world, but she is after any man which is why sometimes I wish she was a fly on the wall and I could whack her with my trusty swatter.”
Eve couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“Anyway, I still can’t thank you enough for saving my life Julian, I owe you so much.”
“Oh Eve, you don’t owe me anything, just having you in my life is thanks enough. My heart pounds out of my chest every time I see you, I feel like I am walking on air and when we kiss, my God Eve, words can’t describe what I feel.”
“Oh Julian, the truth is my feelings for you have been so different since you saved my life.”
“In what way Eve?”
“Well…I don’t know what to say exactly.” She said blushing suddenly.
He took her hand and placed it on his chest.
“You know how much I love you Eve, if you feel exactly like I feel about you, don’t be shy, tell me.”
“Well if you really want me to be honest.”
“Yes, be honest, tell me exactly what you are feeling, I can take it whatever it is.”
“Okay I will tell you, since we kissed, it was amazing. I had such feelings of being like a young teenager in love. I felt all nervous, butterflies in my stomach and everything Julian. I can’t recall being kissed like that ever, not even by T.C.”
“Really Eve?”
“Yes, when you kiss me, I feel very loved and safe and so comfortable to be in your arms, it’s wonderful.” She said smiling.
“I am so happy you feel this way Eve, does this mean you want more than just friendship?” Julian asked.
“It’s possible Julian, but the fact is that I am married and you are about to marry Rebecca.”
“I realize that Eve, but can I ask you something?”
“If there a came a day that you couldn’t ever see me again, how would you feel Eve?”
“I couldn’t bear it Julian, you proved your love for me on that jet, you were willing to die with me rather than let me go.”
“I was, I really was, how could I live my life another day without seeing those beautiful eyes, that lovely smile, just everything. How could I go on without you?” he said hugging her tightly.
“Julian, I just can’t believe all that has happened, I never thought I would see the day when I couldn’t live without you in my life. Not so long ago, I didn’t care if you ended up in hell.” She said looking at him.
“For good reasons honey, I was an golly , I won’t deny that, but now we have come as I said almost full circle. We have certainly come along way.”
“Yes we have and you certainly have changed, oh how you have changed Julian Crane.” She said smiling.
“I have worked very hard to make those changes and along the way fell completely in love with you all over again Eve.”
“Awwww Julian, you always know the right things to say.”
“I can’t help it, my heart speaks to me now that I have you in my life again. I can actually express myself and I never thought I would be able to do that, ever. In fact I never had a time to show my heart to anyone. Ivy and Rebecca don’t make me feel like you do. Sure I have, well never mind that, but they haven’t captured my heart Eve.”
“You know Julian, I do love T.C. very much, but I can’t say that I share a passion with him like I do with you.”
“I recall though in the past Eve that you said you had a special bond with T.C.?”
“Yes I do Julian, I do have that bond with him. The truth is I have always wanted to do the right thing Julian to work hard to keep my marriage and my family together. But to deny that I love you, it would be wrong.”
“So are you saying you love both of us Eve?”
“Well yes, but not in the same way. For example, if T.C. hadn’t lost his temper with you on the jet, I wouldn’t have been sucked out in the first place, almost killed and you as well. So yes I love him, but certainly not when he puts my life at risk and yours.”
“Eve, I know you can’t just get up and leave T.C., just as I can’t with Rebecca. But do you still want to see me? Or is that going to be too difficult? I could make it happen if you really want me to, but it’s you who ultimately has to make the decision. You think there’s a possibility that we can be more than friends, do you want to be more behind closed doors?” Julian asked.
“Well, I never thought about it really Julian. Sure we have been seeing each other and because I have been so vulnerable, we have just ended up kissing more than once because of my emotions. But because my feelings are changing now especially since you risked your life for me, I think I might want to try to see each other that way.”
“Oh Eve.” He said hugging her.
“I am not telling you to be unfaithful to your husband. I know how important this marriage is to you, but I hate to say this but if you want to have your cake and eat it too, the option is there.” Julian said.
“That’s quite an option Julian.”
“I love you more than anything Eve, if it takes months even years, I would wait for you.”
“That’s so crazy, you could move on without me by then, you could marry Rebecca.” Eve said.
“I don’t love her like I love you, I know in my heart there is only one woman for me and that’s you Eve.”
“But I can’t guarantee that I will be leaving T.C. at any time soon, certainly because my past is still a secret.”
“If you need me, I am here for you, don’t feel pressured to make any kind of decisions right now, just know that I can be your friend or whatever else you want me to be Eve. It makes me incredibly happy to be needed by you, even if it’s just talking with you or holding you.”
As they continued down the walk, afternoon turned into evening and they stopped to sit on a bench along the water. It was a glorious sight, the sunset reflecting on the waves as they washed in on the shore.
“This is beautiful.” Eve said.
“Yes it is Eve, just a perfect setting to be together.” Julian said putting his arms around her.
“What time is it?”
“After six, are you going to call T.C. and tell him you are going to be late?” Julian asked.
“Yes and what about you?”
“Of course Eve, I don’t want to leave, as far as Rebecca knows, I have some clients to deal with.” He said kissing her cheek.
Julian sat there quietly as Eve made her call to T.C. He knew it was hard for her to lie to T.C., but if they were going to spend more time together, it had to be done. When she hung up, Eve looked at him, admiring his short gray hair; she couldn’t resist running her fingers through it. She looked into his eyes, which had so much love to give. She admired everything about him, the years had been so kind to the man she had known for so long, he was even sexier now, especially when his heart shone through. She looked down at his shirt, the wind rustling it a bit. It very much suited him and she felt the urge to undo a few buttons. As shy as she could be, Eve could also be a bit daring around Julian, that is how comfortable she was with him. He didn’t say anything as he felt her fingers brush a bit against his chest as she undid them. His chest was warm, even though it was getting a bit cool outside.
“Julian, you don’t mind me doing this, do you?” she asked looking at him innocently.
“Darling, I don’t mind anything you do, you don’t even have to ask.”
“Well, I don’t just want to be too forward.”
“Eve, listen, you could never be too forward my dear. I am happy that you are comfortable enough to explore, feel free, I really mean that.”
She smiled at him and continued to undo them until Julian sat there with his shirt wide open. Eve couldn’t help but admire him; he looked so sexy sitting there like that. He took her hand to his chest, moving it up and down his stomach, but she then moved it, looking away from him for a moment.
“Eve, don’t be shy, it’s okay.” He said taking her hand again.
Eve felt a bit like a teenager learning for the first time, she hadn’t been with another man obviously in quite some time. She knew Julian well, but this all felt so new once again and it was actually exciting to her. As Eve caressed his chest with her fingers, Julian brushed her hair back from her neck to kiss her. Eve felt a shiver go through her as Julian’s mouth brushed up and down her neck, his lips were so warm and she loved feeling this close to him.
“What if someone walks by?” she said thinking out loud.
“I am not worried Eve, we aren’t doing anything wrong, just having a bit of fun right?” he said looking at her.
“Yes I guess so.”
“Don’t worry hon, I am allowed to sit here with my shirt open it’s L.A., now if you decided to do the same thing, I would have to fight the men off with a stick.” Julian said smiling.
“You always know how to add humor to any situation, don’t you?”
“Of course my love, now where were we?” he said kissing her neck once again.
“Julian?” she said moving him away.
“What is it Eve?”
“I am enjoying sitting here with you, but I would really like to go back to the car.”
He looked at her surprised.
“I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?”
“Oh no, not at all Julian, I mean this is really nice, but I would prefer to go back since it’s getting a little bit cooler.”
Eve looked right into his eyes, playing with the belt on his jeans.
“Oh okay, yes it is getting a bit cooler isn’t it?” Julian said smiling