Simone's Revenge ~ Chapter 1
by rockstar

      Simone slammed her bedroom door with all of the hurt and anger she had been holding inside of her since she had left the wedding reception.

       With tears falling down her face, she fell onto the bed pushing her face into a pillow. Lifting her head up and resting her chin on the pillow, she brought herself to speak the awful truth.

      "He doesn't love me. Chad doesn't love me. And Whitney, my sister, she lied to me. And Chad lied for Whitney, because he loves her."

      Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Fearing she knew who it would be, Simone sat up quickly facing away from the door and wiping away her tears. There would be no way in hell Simone would let Whitney see her crying.


      With relief, Simone turned around, "Oh Kay, you have no idea how glad I am to see you."

      "Hey, you left the reception without telling anyone. Are you still feeling weak from the accident?"

      "No, the accident isn't what's hurting me."

      "What is it? What happened?"

      "I was at the reception and I noticed Chad had left the room so I asked around and Hank told me that he saw Chad step outside, so I went out there to find him. And when I did, he was with Whitney. And they were talking about their relationship. He told her he loved her, Kay."

      "Oh Simone." Kay said sitting down on the bed next to her friend. "I'm so sorry."

      "Don't be. You didn't make Whitney stab me in the back. I should have listened to you."

      "Are you going be okay?"

      "Oh yeah, I will be just fine." Simone said with a mischievous smile.

     "Okay, I have seen that look on my own face too many times to know it never leads to anything good. What are you thinking about?"

      "My dear sister."

     "Well, what did you tell her?"

      "Um, she and Chad didn't really know I was there. And I didn't exactly let them know either. I was really upset."

      "So what are you going to tell her?"

      "Exactly what she wants to hear." Seeing Kay's confused look, Simone continued, "Well, she's worked so hard to keep her secret from me and she still thinks I don't know about it, so why not let her little game continue?"

      "Okay, why? I mean, why put yourself out there for more humiliation?"

      "For revenge. I'm gonna get Whitney back for all this hurt, pain, and betrayal she's caused me. She's going regret the day she gave Chad Harris a second thought. And I'm gonna get my man back."

      "Alright, first or all, I hate to be the barer of bad news, but Chad was never actually your man to begin with, so there's no real way you can get him BACK. Second, how come Chad isn't getting any of this sweet revenge? He lied to you too."

      "Whitney just stuck her claws into him like she has everyone else."

      "Okay, I get it, the boy can do no wrong. You know, I can't believe you! After all that talk about how I shouldn't steal Miguel away from Charity, you're planning on stealing Chad away from Whitney!"

      "Listen, Miguel wants Charity and Charity wants Miguel..."

      "Just like Chad wants Whitney and Whitney wants Chad."

      "Whitney may want Chad, but she isn't going after him. No, she's pushing him further and further away from her. She just can't stand to hurt her little sister more than she already has. I mean, the whole reason I got hit by that car was because I saw Whitney and Chad kissing in her bedroom. It's all her fault."

      "Don't you mean 'their fault'?"


      "Oh yeah! That's right! I forgot he's Superman! He does no wrong. He saves children from burning buildings, cats from tall trees, and crushes a girls heart, hopes, and dreams." Kay said sarcastically. "You're lucky you got out of the hospital when you did, the 'Key to the City' presentation isn't until next week."

      "All the blame goes to Whitney here. All of her life she's been the best, Ms. Spotlight, and she just can't stand not being in the spotlight for anyone. I had a chance with Chad. We had so much in common. We still do! We both fight for what we believe in. We do what we feel is right for us, not others. Now Whitney, she only does what makes other people happy and that's a mistake because that's exactly how she's going to lose Chad."

      "So let me get this straight, you're going to go along with this plan that Chad and Whitney have been going along with for months and let them to continue thinking you are just as clueless as ever about their relationship. And while they think they're out of the clear, you get Chad to fall in love with you for real and then with him safely yours, you go ahead with your plan for Whitney a.k.a. paybacks a bitch and so are you."

      "Yeah, that pretty much covers it. Starting tomorrow, my plan goes into motion and Whitney's life will start it decent to becoming completely and utterly worthless."

Chapter 2
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