TC/Eve/Julian Thoughts
Inspired by Articman: A Look at
Dr. Eve Russell
Eve/Julian and Their Merry-Go-Round..I
Love Them
Why I Love the Julian/Eve/TC Story
& See It As a True Triangle
Julian and Eve Looking for the
Bird Statue
A poem for Julian and Eve:
What We Had
Theory on What's In TC's Shed
My TC Theory: The Shed, Julian,
Whitney, Eve
Don't Say I Love You: A
Julian/Eve Poem
For Just a Few Seconds, We
had Real Soap Opera
Julian & Eve Come Full
Julian & Eve - A New Beginning?
Julian/Eve & The Vision:
Did Julian Reveal Too Much?
Julian and Eve: Am I A Bad Person
For Thinking She Might Be Better Off With Him?
Julian & Eve: Raw, Powerful,
Vunerable. Eve Reveals Herself
Julian & Eve - Caught and
Can't Get Out
Loved Julian w/Ivy & Eve:
Was Eve Flirting Today?
Why I love Julian with Eve
Why the Julian/Whitney Elevator
Scenes Were Great - by HamActor1
Dr. Eve Russell: What Makes
Her Tick? A Character Study
" How Dare You Do That
To Me?" - Oh, Eve. Come On
Eve Russell - A Woman
At War With Herself
The Squeeze of the Hand Between
Julian & Eve - Loved It
Whitney/Julian - Loved Them
in the Elevator
Eve's PimpDaddy Ethan Nighmare
- by HamActor1
Evian Turns a Corner at
the Book Cafe
Story Progression at the Book
The Beginning Meltdown
of the Russell Family
The Re-Write of Eve's
Background & the Uselessness of Hidden Passions
Liz - placed in with
Eve & The Russells
WITHOUT resorting to
degrading and offensive STEREOTYPES?
Eve and Julian Begin New Chapter
at the Diner
Julian Put His Cards on the
Table With Eve
Evian Discusses Their Son
Julian Inches His Way
Into Eve's Heart
Do we have the future of
the Crane Empire: Chad vs. Fox?
The Blue Note: A new
chapter of Passions history began
The Blue Note: Eve's
meltdown & Fox is in love
The Blue Note: Whitney
declares her independence
The Blue Note: Eve admits love
while Rebecca tells Crane truths
Julian and Fox Parallels
Julian Crane's Independence
Fox Is Stunned By Love
Fox and Julian-Crane Men
as Chameleons
Evian Grows Closer As They
Discuss Their Son
The Russell Family Crosses
The Line Towards Destruction
TC, Eve, Julian -Certain
Truths Are Revealed
Fox Puts Everything Together
and Discovers the Truth
Evian - Their Kiss in the PRESENT...Yowsa!
Evian, Fox, Ivy Confrontation
at the Lobster Shack -wow.
The Triangle Finally
Come Into the Present
Why Eve is loyal to TC
Evian's kiss & Eve's Slip
of the Tongue
Like a moth to a
goes Eve to Julian
The Evian Montage and What It
Evian & The Airplane...sigh...
Eve finally confesses her
love to Julian
Missing You (Evian Poem)
Evian in the Barn
Evian's Dance
Julian Put It On the Line
With Eve
TC's Shed Revelations
Eve Faces the Possibility
of Life Without Julian